From the Vice President’s Desk – Monthly Reminders

Good morning all!

I had a random thought, I have talked about our officers but dont think i have introduced them,so I am going to fix this.  If I have introduced ourselves before, just bear with me.
      Chance – President
      Terri – Vice President
       Lita – Secretary
       Gerry – Treasurer
Ok, now to the important information.  The Timberon Development Council Event Committee is planning our next big event, the Easter brunch and egg hunt for the kiddos, March 19 @ the lodge, when I have a time I will pass that along. The events committee needs volunteers for getting ready for the day.  They will begin getting everything ready on April 10th, @ the lodge.  If you are able to spare some time, please contact Lorie Guiles, or Jessica Roberts thru Facebook messenger.  I will list the items we need donations for.  The events committee will be meeting on April 12th after the TDC meeting.  So, if you can help please stick around after our meeting for theirs.  Here is what is currently needed to make this event awesome.
     Plastic Easter eggs                                     Candy for the eggs
For the brunch:
      Onions                                                         Cheese (shredded)
      Tomatoes                                                     Bacon Bits
      Salsa                                                            Sour Cream
       Orange (concentrate)                                   Tortillas
If you are able to donate some of these items, they can be dropped off with Lorie/Chance @ the Busy Bee the week of the event, so they don’t go bad.  We have estimated 200 people based on those that attended our last event, Christmas.
Again, stay after our meeting and the events committee can give you an update on where they stand as of that meeting.  Please remember, in order for us to pull off an awesome event, we need volunteers.  We want everyone to come join us, but we cannot accomplish these awesome events without community support.
The community garden is starting more plans for the garden.  Again they need volunteers.  We have had some community members step up and volunteer, which is awesome, but we are going to need more help as the weather warms up and we can get out there and get things done.  If you want to help with our community garden, please contact RH @  RH will be contacting those that are interested in volunteering through email.  So, please contact him directly.
We will be announcing a date to make repairs on the pool shortly.  Chance will be purchasing the materials we need to make those repairs.  We have a pool manager, but we still need lifeguards.  If you have interest in applying for a pool position, please get an application from the TWSD office.  We have a target date in mind to open our pool but there are moving parts that need to be completed before we open the pool.  We want everyone to be able to enjoy our pool, just like last season.
Terri Ratley
Vice President
Timberon Development Council