From the Vice President’s Desk – TDC Meeting Recap, March 8 2025

Good morning all,

Before I give a recap of our meeting, the officers, Chance, myself, Gerry and Lita, would like to thank everyone that gave up part of their Saturday morning to join us.  Our turn out was awesome, which just shows everyone wants the best for our community.
Okay, onto the recap.  The pool committee has a pool manager, we are looking for lifeguards, but it looks like we have interest.  We discussed the repairs that need to be made before inspection. We will need volunteers to instal tiles.  We will let everyone know the date through email and facebook. Chance is going to order the tiles needed and we need to get advise on glue/grout..  Chance and I have a meeting scheduled with Otis, the GM of TWSD for Tuesday, March 11, after their meeting.  Please keep in mind, both Otis and us are learning this pool season.  But we are off to a great start, and this pool season should run as seamlessly as last year.
The Grant Committee is in a holding pattern on a grant we have applied for.  Hopefully we will hear something soon.  If we don’t receive it for this quarter, we can reapply at the end of March.  Our secretary, Lita and Brad Howard, our grant writer will be looking into other grants available to us.  Please remember, the Grant Committee meets every Monday night @ 6 pm, at the TDC office.  Please come and join us and give your suggestions, or thoughts.
The community garden has plans for this planting season.  We will be planting, even if it is just shrubs.  RH Sherman is heading up this project.  he needs volunteers, you can email him @  The best way to get involved is to email him directly.  RH is also taking a master gardening class to help our community with this project.  Chance will be making a presentation at Tuesdays TWSD meeting regarding water for the garden.  Sp, if you have any thoughts please attend TWSD’s meeting on Tuesday March 11, @ 4 pm.
Our community classes are up and running thanks to Ed Carlson.  This weekend will be the Hunters ED class, if interested contact Ed.  TDC made a $100.00 donation to this class for snacks for those that attend.  Ed needs people in our community that have a speciality to let him know so we can put together a class.  Otis has volunteered to put on a class this spring/summer, more on that as it is organized.
The events committee has so much going on this year that your best bet would be to join their meetings on Thursday nights @ 5 or 6 pm, @ the lodge in the TDC room.  The next event will be the Easter Brunch.  Chance and Gerry will be in bunny suits, so if anything join us to see that.  As I said they have so many events for the year, its best to come to one of our meetings, and see where you can help..
We have a community bulletin board by the mailboxes so please check that for everything going on.  You can always contact myself or any other officer if you any questions/thoughts/suggestions.
Our main topic is we need volunteers!!  We are going to need plastic easter eggs and candy for our Easter egg hunt.  If you have some spare time or just want to make a donation, it would be greatly appreciated.
Sorry this is so long, but we covered a lot and for those that couldn’t make it, I wanted to let everyone know what was covered.
Again, thank you for attending and most of all thank you everyone for your support!!
Terri Ratley
Vice President Timberon Development Council

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