Timberon Development Council Inc.
1841 Sacramento Dr. Timberon NM, 88350
Monthly Community Meeting
08 February 2025 / 10:00 AM / Community Bldg.
TDC Minutes 2_8_25
Call to Order
President Chance Guiles called the regular meeting of the Timberon Development
Council Inc. at 10:00 AM, at the Community Bldg. Those in attendance and
constituting a quorum were:
Board Members
Chance Guiles President
Terry Ratley Vice-President
Gerry Lara Treasurer
Lorie Guiles Finance Officer
Jessica Roberts Events Coordinator
Cathie Johnson
Paulette Secretary (Retired)
Chance Guiles, Lorie Guiles, Terri Ratley, Lalita Byrd, Don Hi Kulesza, Kurt
Preuss, Gerardo Lara, Josh McCurdy, Jefferey Merrick, Tim White, Kimberly
Bufton, Clark & Paulette Clement, Cathie Johnson, Jessica Roberts
❖ Approval of Agenda:
■ Paulette Motions to accept the Agenda as read, 2nd by Kurt,
Motion Carried
❖ Approval of Minutes:
➢ Vice-President informed the attendees that due to the recent
transition of Officers at TDC Inc., as well as the need to vote in
a new Secretary, the last regular TDC Meeting Minutes were not
uploaded to the open website for view by Board and Community
members. However a printed copy of those Minutes has been provided
at the meeting location.
■ Kurt motions to accept the last TDC Regular Meeting Minutes
as read, 2nd by Paulette, Motion Carried
❖ Financial Report:
➢ The Treasurer issued an Update on the Financial Report stating
that the Bank is now requiring a notorized letter in order for him
to have access to the TDC Inc. bank account, at (financial
institution, address, contact).The Treasurer will be submitting
the required paperwork to the bank after he consults with the
President on the new requirements.
➢ The Treasurer gave the Financial Report numbers as of the date of
this meeting, as follows:
● Account Balance: $19,850.80
● Golf Course Balance: $ 6,473.65
● Pool Balance: $ 3,767.00
● Bulletin Board Balance: $ 56.48
● Scholarship Prog. Balance: $ 2,600.00
● TDC Balance: $ 6,953.67
➢ Gary Adams has requested that no unauthorized persons be allowed
to access the monies from the Golf Course account, they are
restructuring their group and have not determined who will have
the authorization to access monies.
➢ The Vice-President suggested that the Treasurer place a
hold/freeze on that account until Mr. Adams has updated the
Treasurer on who has authorization to access the account.
■ Paulette offers a Motion to have the Treasurer freeze the
access to the monies for the Golf Course until an authorized
person can be named, Approved by the Treasurer and 2nd by
Clark, Motion Carried
■ Pauleete issues a Motion to accept the Financial Report as
read, 2nd by Clark, Motion Carried
Last Meeting Follow-up
❖ Welcome Center: Update by the Vice-President
● A full inventory of Timberon Office and Merchandise at the
Community Bldg, TWSD Lodge and at the Busy Bee market will begin
on Feb. 20th at the TDC Inc. Community Bldg. Sales have been
successful and Paulette was able to find old invoices and orders
from previous Venders that will help with maintaining a full
● In house spreadsheets of all current inventory, past venders,
payables/receivables and forms for merchandise orders need to be
created and updated weekly by the Secretary and sent to the
○ create receivables/payables spreadsheet
○ work on updating past inventory records
○ Create forms for receipts, orders, donations
❖ Pool Committee Report: No one from the committee was present
➢ The President will meet with TWSD General Manager on Friday 28th
of Feb. to discuss the funding and management of the Pool and what
actions they would like TDC to manage, due to their low manpower
this year.
■ Add a Motion to the Q&A portion of the next regular
community meeting to add an update to the next Agenda for
the April Community Meeting
➢ The Pool Committee will work with the President regarding action
items required to get the Pool ready for use. They will provide a
schedule for the work and an email list for experienced volunteers
sent out by the next regular meeting.
■ Budget, Schedule for Work Needed, List of Volunteers,
Materials Needed
■ Action Items for Testing and Permits/Inspections
■ Establish a Pool Manager
■ Lifeguards
➢ Gary worked with Rebecca to print and send out the TDC Flyer for
schools and post them around town at community billboards. We are
still waiting to get some response back, but due to the recent
transitions at TDC, that might not be up to date.As our new Board
Members get caught up, reporting on results to our Community
Outreach projects will be updated.
➢ The Vice-President will print out flyers after the meeting to give
to Gary to post around town.
➢ The Committee Supervisor – Brandy, will send out the email list
for Pool Volunteers that people can add their names to. They can
either set up notifications or check the Facebook page for
❖ Grant Committee Report: Update by the President – In order to grow and
accomplish more for the Timberon Community we need to structure our
organization to be staffed by strategic, paid employees. This will allow
for TDC to apply for grants and other services at higher amounts and for
bigger and more diverse projects. It will also allow us to provide
training to our BOD and our Community Members which will enable us to
communicate, plan and implement the many Events, Community Outreach
Projects and Cultural Enrichment Campaigns that the volunteers at TDC
Inc. bring to all residents and visitors of Timberon.
➢ As a point of notice, the contract with our current Grant Writer
is ending in March and we will need to add an update and
discussion on how we plan to proceed in our Grant Writing for the
remainder of the year.
➢ As of the date of this meeting the status of the T-Mobile Grant is
pending and we should hear the determination on it soon.
➢ The moratorium on the Federal Grant should be lifted Wednesday
Feb. 26th, 2025
➢ The Grant Writer is researching at least two grants that would
allow TDC to have paid staff positions, dedicated to core
management officers as well as procedural structure functions and
compliance positions.
➢ Vice-President to contact Brad about a summary on the requirements
and rules that govern non-profit paid staff as well as suggestions
of Positions, Salary, Benefits, Compliance Regulations and
❖ Community Garden Report: Update Garden and Parks
➢ Kurt reports that the menus should be done this week
➢ Their representative has completed the Garden Master Class and is
ready for next steps:
■ Need to order manure, currently have enough for the top
■ Will speak to TWSD liaison at Tuesday’s Meeting about
installing a water meter at the Garden, then will submit
formal request to TDC Community Meeting with a statement on
the benefits to the community
➢ The Vice-President reports that she will be communicating with the
County Attorney/Manager regarding the status of our MOU
(Memorandum Of Understanding), giving TDC legal custody over the
■ Once we have the MOU we will add the Status Report on this
issue to the next regular meeting agenda.
● We can, at that time, discuss installation of a water
meter on that land.
❖ Event Committee Report:
➢ The Events Coordinator reports that the Events Committee has
created a schedule of Events and Projects for this year, and we
have secured the lease agreements for the Annex covering all major
dates for this year’s events.
■ First – The Valentines Day Dance
Friday Feb. 14th, 2025, 7pm to 10pm.
The dance will be open to all ages and snacks will be
provided through a donation by the Timberon Neighborhood
Watch. Thank You to the volunteers at the Neighborhood Watch!
■ Second – The Easter Brunch
Saturday April 19th, 2025
The Brunch will be open to all ages, we will provide a
Breakfast Burrito Kit with a self-serve Toppings Bar, Water
and orange juice will be provided for the minors and
champagne mimosas is being discussed to be available to
adults who are interested.
● The Committee Finance Officer will submit a Funding
Proposal for the Easter Brunch including a Donation
Request items list and email list
◆ Candy, plastic eggs, packaging paper,eggs for
painting etc.
■ Music Festival: September 19th, 20th, 21st
● Because this Committee is focused on emphasizing
recreational, cultural and artistic growth within our
community, the Events Committee has been working with
Caleb on bringing a big Music Festival to Timberon
which will be held Friday night, all day Saturday &
Sunday morning. We would like to schedule it in such a
way as too encourage attendence from the broader
mountain community and to allow for our temporary
residents to travel.
● We will hold each concert at a different location each
day, bringing attention to the other cultural and
recreational projects that are being provided to our
community by our dedicated volunteers.
● We will aim to have different genres of music and to
hold the concerts at different times, enabling
everyone to attend all of the events being held that
● Caleb has confirmed that he is currently in talks with
at least three bands that are interested in
performing. The Events Coordinator will continue to
work with Caleb to increase that number and start to
consider contract details.
● Due to the complexity and workload of hosting such a
big event at the end of the summer, we will need to
add special meetings of the Events Committee, and
possibly special meetings of the TDC Community
meeting, in order to write and present a detailed
proposal for the Music Festival.
● We would like to reach out to any community members
who have contacts with musicians to build the
■ Memorial Day Weekend: May 26th, 2025
● The Events Finance Officer reports that we will be
focused on
◆ The Opening of the Pool – providing hamburgers
and hot dogs
◆ The Silent Auction – will be open Friday,
Saturday, and Sunday with the announcement of
the winners at the Pool Bldg. at the close of
the Event.
◆ The Garage Sale – next to the Pool Bldg.
Events Update Notes
❖ Fourth of July: We will be repeating what we did last year with
the Parade and all the same schedule as before.
❖ Thanksgiving: We will work with Connie again as it worked out
great last year.
❖ We would like to continue working with the bar regarding the
coordination of the years main Events. This will help generate
more interest from communities outside the mountain, by proving a
full calendar of events that will cater to both adults and
❖ The Events Committee will focus their time on organizing the
bigger events since we can put on smaller ones, like dances, in a
much shorter period of time.
➢ Organizing, Implementing and Communicating Events
■ The TDC Board will work together with our past
volunteers to update and organize our ability to
communicate our Calendar, website, needs and services
to the broader community with an emphasis on two main
● Updating and posting of Monthly Events, Minutes
and major announcements to our Main Calendar and
the TDC website, at the beginning of the month.
● At the end of the month, we will send out a
second email and post that focuses on outreach
such as a call for needed Volunteers, Donations
and other help from our residents that will help
us to achieve our many goals and community
◆ We have gotten some of our shelves and
Special Announcement: Arbor Day: April 25th, 2026
■ The Events Coordinator presented an exciting project for
next year’s Calendar focusing on land management, disaster
preparedness, and environmental enrichment for Timberon
residents and visitors. This will allow us to help enrich
both individual residents’ private land, as well as the burn
areas that have affected our public land.
■ TDC Inc. would register with the Arbor Day Foundation. They
will come out to host an event here and provide 10,000 free
trees, of varying species to residents of Timberon
■ They will present the community with training on proper
planting and care of these trees to ensure the success of
our program.
Action Items:
● Secretary to Generate: First of the month Events
Summary, Calendar, Volunteer Phone and email lists
with links to forms from Calendar,TDC Minutes,
Donation requests and links to forms End of MOnth
(asking/giving), minor emergency.
◆ Due to the huge transition TDC has been
undergoing, normal timeframes for posting
updates and strengthening our communication
lines may be delayed until access to the system
is established for new Board members and
❖ Bulletin Board Progress:
➢ Kurt provided an update on installing the boards in town,
the ground is still frozen so once the weather allows for it he
will get that done.
❖ Community Classes – Ed Carlton: Agenda Item, Community Classes every
month now
* Terri, printed what Jesse sent and are looking for more classes
* Hunter rescheduled March 15/16th Talon, busy ?
* Need to advertise, Jesse has flyers
* Request to put on Facebook, using entire annex
New Business
● Nominations for Secretary:
○ Due to Paulette retiring from the secretary position for the TDC,
a need to fill the position was expressed by the Board Members to
any resident interested in volunteering, who has experience in
grant writing, record keeping and non-profit organization and
○ Two residents were present to speak on their experience and desire
to volunteer for the betterment and growth of the Timberon
○ Lalita BYrd, who moved with her family to Timberon 3 years ago,
has 15 yrs experience working with The Morningstar Foundation
non-profit in various capacities including, the Board of Directors
Secretary, Assistant to the Treasurer, Grant Writing, Fundraising
and Event Coordination.
○ Josh McCurdy, who is a new resident, has many years in the
restaurant and Cannabis industries, he also has local political
connections that can be of benefit to the Timberon Community.
● Vote for Secretary:
○ Paper ballots were passed to all attendees
○ Lalita Byrd received 10 votes, Josh McCurdy received 5 votes
○ Lalita Byrd formally accepted the position of TDC Inc. Board of
Directors Secretary with the official start date being February
9th 2025.
● TDC Garbage Cans – Removal of Trash:
○ Chance will pickup the trash 2/9/25 with Makayla, 1 garbage per
Sunday on a weekly basis
○ Paulette confirmed its a weekly lease, also the current liners are
not fitting.
○ Paulette has reminded the Board that we need volunteers for trash
pickups, up to 6 people, at the following locations:
■ TDC, Stop Sign, Sacrament Dr., Riverside, Playground, Lake
○ Jesse will take the 2 trash cans at the Lodge, weekly
○ New resident Jeffrey Merrick (yogi?) will be in Timberon in March
to help with acquiring a dump truck for TDC
○ ? will discuss with Larry at Bingo the status of the truck as well
as what needs to be done to fix it so we can create a proposal for
budget and funding
● Suggestions – from Suggestion Box:
○ Lease porta potty for the park
○ TWSD would prefer to have someone manage the bathrooms from
Memorial Day to Labor Day, including repairs
○ Discussion on the use of cameras to help in the prevention of
damage to the public bathroom facilities
○ Chance and Josh will work with TWSD on a proposal to TDC Inc. for
managing the public bathrooms, including staff, materials
(cameras, locks, cleaning etc.), liabilities and consequences for
people who cause damage, possible insurance
○ We will need volunteers to work the Community Bldg. On Saturdays,
Meredith Green has offered to help.
○ Lita will work with Nan on creating links on the Open Calendar for
people who want to sign up as volunteers for the TDC Community
Bldg as well as for Events.
○ We will need a cash box, debit card machine, receipt book/purchase
slips and order request forms at the Community Bldg. to be updated
weekly on TDC Board computer
○ The Secretary will work with the Treasurer on creating a system to
deal with both opened and closed inventory receivables/payables,
venders, donations and forms that will go out the TDC
Committees,TWSD, Neighborhood Watch etc. to be updated weekly
○ Treasurer has agreed to set up an account for card purchases at
the Community Bldg. using either Strip or PayPal.
● Canva Free vs. paid subscription:
○ Vice-President Motion to purchase the annual subscription of
$120.00 to Canva, a template software company,for TDC Inc. use in
creating flyers, Calendars, forms, Event Newsletters etc. To be
funded by the fundraising proceeds collected by the TDC Events
Committee projects.Approved by the Treasurer, 2nd by Lita, Motion
● Treasurer will set up the subscription using the TDC
email address
● The Events Coordinator will work other members to help
understand how to utilize the service.
○ Vice-President Terri Ratley spoke to express the heartfelt
gratitude and thanks of the TDC Board and the Community of
Timberon for all of the amazing work done by Paulette and Clark
The Board will work together with the new Board Members to produce a new
Agenda, to be posted as soon as possible. Edits may be posted in the near
Paulette makes a Motion to Adjourn this TDC Inc. regular Community Meeting,
2nd by Lorie, Motion Carried