This webcam is located at 1559 Sacramento Drive, Timberon, NM 88350. The view direction is south.
A new image is available at 60 second intervals. Reload the page manually to refresh the image.
Notice: As fire season approaches, and the mountain gets drier, please be aware and comply with RED FLAG WARNINGS in this area. The Timberon Volunteer Fire Department (TVFD) will place red flags at key spots around Timberon when a warning is in place.
No outdoor burning is allowed on Red Flag Warning days.
Please remember: before ANY burn you must call the Otero County Sheriff’s office at 575-987-2210, and the TVFD at 575-987-2202 and let them know when and where you will be burning.
From NOAA: The National Weather Service (NWS) issues Red Flag Warnings & Fire Weather Watches to alert land management agencies about the onset, or possible onset, of critical weather and fuel moisture conditions that could lead to rapid or dramatic increases in wildfire activity. This could be due to low relative humidity, strong winds, dry fuels, or any combination thereof.
See a map of Current Fire Weather Watches and Red Flag Warnings HERE